Pass It On Young Sports England & Head Office
Telephone: Head Office CEO, Tel: 07901251119 National Secretary, Tel: 07501962893 Email: [email protected] Every Tuesday night its Sporting Sub Power Air Rifle Range Night at a local North Somerset Shooting Venue. This is the perfect night to come along to have a plink view the range etc, remember this is a sub power air rifle range only. Drop us a line if you are going to come along. We start shooting at 6pm sharp in 30 minute disciplines till 10pm, on a booking in system, first come, to book in or for more information contact us on the details below, see you there shooters, Call (DO NOT TEXT) our national secretary Mags on, Tel: 07501962893 or Email; [email protected] #targetshooting #targetsports #shootingtargets #shootingsports #theolehedgecreeper #reallywildadventures #passitonyoungsports #passiton #longashtonanddistrictrifleclub #eleysupportersrange #airarmssupportersrange #eley #eleyammunition #AirArms #riflerange #airriflerange |
This Link Will take you to the Pass It On Young Sports Air Rifle Range face book page, were families and young sports can continue their education and fire arms training etc.
*Please note this is not a baby sitting service, all children are only allowed at our events etc whilst under the supervision of their Parents or Guardians at all times Thank You* |
This link will take you to the Pass It On Young Sports official face book page and events page, with up to date events and shows etc.
*Please note this is not a baby sitting service, all children are only allowed at our events etc whilst under the supervision of their Parents or Guardians at all times Thank You* |
Pass It On Young Sports Air Rifle Range (sub power) has moved to a more welcoming child friendly NEW SHOOTING VENUE,
The Young Sport and their families have an awesome NEW air rifle range to shoot at from immediate effect today.
If you have already booked in or would like to book in please contact our national secretary Mags who will be most happy to deal with your bookings or enquiries, please CALL, ( DO NOT TEXT) Tel; 07501962893.
Shooting starts at 6pm sharp and finishes at 10pm.
#passitonyoungsports #passiton #targetsports #targetshooting #longashtonanddistrictrifleclub #shootingsports #shootingtargets #airriflerange
The Young Sport and their families have an awesome NEW air rifle range to shoot at from immediate effect today.
If you have already booked in or would like to book in please contact our national secretary Mags who will be most happy to deal with your bookings or enquiries, please CALL, ( DO NOT TEXT) Tel; 07501962893.
Shooting starts at 6pm sharp and finishes at 10pm.
#passitonyoungsports #passiton #targetsports #targetshooting #longashtonanddistrictrifleclub #shootingsports #shootingtargets #airriflerange
Pass It On Young Sports Shooting Club: is an officially affiliated club and a full member of The National Small Bore Rifle Association (NRSA) if you would like to learn more about competitive target shooting drop us a line, or to find out more about the NRSA click on the link button below.